Wednesday, August 3, 2011

UCO Reach Higher Promo

Hey everyone,

Yes, that was me on the advertisement before the movie you went to see the other day :o)  I am getting lots of "Was that you?" questions so I thought I would blog about it.   I am currently enrolled at U.C.O. working on completing my Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership.  It is a program that is offered through UCOs adult degree program which offers a lot of classes on-line to make it easier to finish your degree.  The Reach Higher Program at UCO was looking for adult students to help with advertising so my advisors (who all know that I am competing for Mrs. Oklahoma) told them to contact me :o).  They are running the short ad below before the movie starts at the Quail Springs Cinema and at the Harkins downtown.  I believe that they are also doing something on the U.C.O website and some print material as well.  As soon as I know more I will post info about the other things.  I tried to look studious so I wore my hair up and kept my glasses on. Did it work - lol! I know that you are all now motivated to contact UCO and get rolling with your own degree advancement because my hair is up and my glasses are on tee hee!!

It's funny because  J.B. and I went out of town to my little brother's wedding and our boys were spending some time with family and friends.  I received a text from my sister-in-law, Sheri, and she said that she had taken the boys to see a movie.  They were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start.  The ads were rolling and one of the boys says, "Hey that looks like my mom!".   She said, "Hey that is your mom!"  I guess I need to do a better job letting my family know what I'm up to ;o)

'til next time - Simone

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